Let's get started on the front straight :
Nothing much to say, other than some difficulties will be added later (a rough zone, for example). There was a big mound that was to be a tabletop, but that got flattened. The soil is still there, but it need making back into a pile in the right place.
The straight leads into a left hander (the course is anti-clockwise, in fact, though for the moment it can be used either way since all the jumps are gone.
The turn is up a hill (the photos don't show it too well, but it's a decent gradient) and tightens progressively :
This then leads into what should have been a banked 'S', but again the gate got the better of it :
And then onto the back straight - same remarks apply as to the front straight, there was (and will be) some jumps on here :
And after Frankenstein's - it's back onto the front straight :
Overall - the track has so far been quite a learning experience. I'm following a scraper blade for the tractor on eBay, because I think that's the best way of getting a good finish on it. The jumps and final finishing needs to be completed by hand. The track is not as wide as I would have liked it - but a) for the moment, there's only ever one car on it anyway :) and b) I was limited by the size of the heavy objects I used to drag round there. The scraper might change that :).
I'll try and convince my dear wife to take a few action shots (wish me luck!), and I think now that I'll gear down to 13 or 14T pinions, as the 16 that's cool for bashing is really too long for the track. Lots of fun to be had - shame that winter is now closing in...
Elvis fully approves of the track, btw :))
That's looking REALLY good mate, you can tell there's been lots of hard work put in already, I can't wait to see what it's like after the next few work sessions on it !!
Keep up the good work !
Thanks, Chris. If the weather holds tomorrow, I should get a chance to take a spade down there and fix a couple of the banks/jumps. As you can see from the photos, there a few piles of soil here and there, so I think I'll use those to tricken up the straights.
It's been fun, and today I had a good run round (2 Lipo's worth - that's over an hour :) ) and it was good fun. I'd like the banking to be better and the jumps, and the visibility of the far hairpin is not good (from about the only part where you can see all the course) so that might need a dumpt of soild to give me something to stand on in the middle :)
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