Sunday, 12 April 2009

Caster build

Well - been making some progress with the Caster. Yesterday afternoon, I got the diffs built and made a start on the front gearbox and suspension. It's the first time I've ever built diffs from scratch, so there was a bit of tension and trial and error. In the end it's fairly straightforward, but now I've gotten a little further in the build and seeing how hard diff access seems to be, I wish I'd run them in on a drill for a bit and then changed the oil before going further :/ You live and learn.

Anyway, here's the current status - looking good, huh? :

Sunday, 5 April 2009


Well, I didn't get started on the Caster. Mostly because of a gazillion things to do around the farm. Not to worry - I'll get it done next weekend for sure, because I'm on vacation \o/

I also have received planning permission to move the farmring to somewhere far more interesting. It's drier, and it's a square bit of land, so should allow me to do a much more interesting track. I'm quite pleased about this, especially because it's closer to the house, making it a bit easier transporting stuff to and from it...

Photos of the Caster kit from kit to buggy next weekend.

Friday, 3 April 2009

New toys...

Well, in the end, I plumped for a Fusion Pro kit from the states, with a Mamba Monster and motor combo....

It's arrived. Almost. Stupid, stupid Chronopost - because I have to pay duty on it (yeah - got stung for that, must take note of the USPS service that sends via Chronopost and not regular mail and remember not to use it) - have left it in their nearest office. It's 100km away. Yes 100 - not 20, or 50 or something you could do in less than an hour. Oh no. And they want money from me to retrieve it. Chronopost sucks.